Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Tuesday 18 June

It rained very hard all night and in the morning it is still chucking it down.  We really can't face going on in this.  Although it is a thoroughly grey day with torrential rain, it is fairly warm and we don't want to have to wear our full waterproof gear, if it can be avoided.  The weather report is for it to turn showery this afternoon, so we will stick it out for the morning and see how things get on.

The weather does not really improve.  At about 1:30, it has stopped pouring with rain although it is still very grey and threatening looking.  But we decide to set off.  We really want to go to Moissac, which has been recommended to us by a number of people including the Gees.  But it is rather far and the weather forecast for this afternoon isn't good, so we will go instead to Valence d'Agen.  The book says it has all facilities.  The photo looks attractive and shows there are pontoon berths.  The book also makes the town sound attractive and it has a Michelin recommended restaurant.  It isn't very far, 11.4 nautical miles and there are only three locks to do.

When we set off when it is dry but grey.  Very soon it starts to rain. The rain is pretty light and we manage with an umbrella and me in my walking pacamac and Richard in his old jacket which is not entirely waterproof.  We get on OK, except that the second lock is broken.  It doesn't record that you are there when you turn the handle and despite there being no one in the lock it shows two red lights.  We tie up to the waiting pontoon and Richard walks the 200 or so yards to the lock.  It turns out there is another boat on the other side having the same problem.  There is a button to push to call for help, so they do that and an VNF man comes after about 5 minutes and puts it right.  He thinks it was an electrical problem.  So the system is not foolproof.  Anyway the VNF man stays in the lock and takes our lines so that I don't have to climb out of the boat on this one.

As we leave the lock it starts to rain again.  This time the sky is very dark and it looks like we could be in for more than the light showers we have had.  We make it through the last lock before the bad rain hits, but as we are coming in to Valance, the heavens open.  I have never seen such heavy rain, or at least not been out in it in inadequate clothing.  Richard wants me to stay below, but I can't really because we are coming up to the port and he will need me to moor up.  The rain gets even worse as we approach the port.  And, there is no real space for our boat.  We are at a loss what to do.  There appears to be no one about (or they are all below keeping dry).  We see one large barge that does have someone on it and try to signal to him to see if we can moor alongside.  He is very rude and just tells us to go look at the port for a space.  I have seen one other possibility.  There is a motor boat tied up to a wall, with room next to it to fit our boat in.  I suggest we raft out to that boat.  Luckily, there are people on board and they are Australian and help us .  By the time we have tied up the two of us are soaked to the skin literally.  We are so wet it really doesn't matter how much more rain we are in.  We can't get any wetter.  We go below and strip off in the heads.  We are laughing hysterically.  It really is crazy the state we are in.

There are supposed to be full facilities here including toilets, showers and electricity.  But as we are not in a proper mooring we can't see anything.  The boat next door kindly says we can use our splitter on his electricity supply.  Richard tries to do that, but can't work out which cable is his.  He starts to use one and gets shouted at by the rude man on the barge, which apparently he lives on and has a permanent berth here.  Now it is pouring with rain again!  This is the most miserable and unwelcoming place we have ever tried to moor in.  Not to be recommended.  As for showers and toilets we find out that they are across the canal in a caravan park and are locked!  We wind up in town at the public toilets.  I can't get out of here soon enough.  We are at least connected to electricity at last so we can charge up all our toys.

Next minor disaster, Richard phones the restaurant for a reservation and finds that they are fully booked with a private party.  So we have to eat on the boat.  We are down to tinned couscous, because when I went shopping I didn't buy anything special to cook, hoping to go out.  Well at least we do have a hot meal!

After we eat and get through a couple of rum and cokes and most of a bottle of wine, rather late in the evening I remember that I have to get food ready for tomorrow.  So I am now making potato salad and pepperanato.  The boat next door want to leave at 8:30, so we can't get to bed too late.  It is still raining!  I have a BBQ planned for tomorrow.  This could be interesting.

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