Friday, 20 September 2013

Friday 20 September

We are woken up by the telephone.  It is the boatyard about our winter storage.  The bad news is that he cannot put our boat in his boatyard.  However the good news is that he has agreed for us to have our boat on shore with another yard that just does storage.  He will do the maintenance work.  But we must go to the other yard today to organize it.  The weird part is that the yard who will now take our boat was one we contacted before who told us that had no room to store the boat.  I guess it helps to have influence.

The next problem is the shore power line.  But that too sorts itself out.  Richard first tries to contact Southerly and find someone who can talk him through re-wiring the end.  But they are all at the boat show.  So he goes to the chandlery where he bought all the stuff and they find someone who can wire it up.  He comes back with an intact wire and when he connects it to the electricity it works!

So after a real French breakfast (we decided that we needed cheering up) we motor round to the other side of the harbour and find the boatyard that will store our boat.  We were told that we could put the boat near the Harbour office, but there does not appear to be any room there, we just moor up in the first empty space we see.  This marina is full of very large boats, almost super yachts and they had told us yesterday they had no room for us, but they don’t seem to mind our plonking ourselves down for a while.  Richard goes to the office and comes back and everything is agreed.  We will bring the boat back on 4th October.  It will go the in the yard next to the boatyard we went to yesterday who will do the work we need.  It will be more expensive than if the boatyard stored it, but at this stage we are just so relieved to have organized everything.  Now we can be on holiday!  We have two weeks to ourselves.  And the weather is now lovely.  The sun is shining and the wind has dropped to next to nothing.  So off we go to Ile de Porquerolles.  It is one of the Hyeres island groups.  We are told that there will be no trouble getting a space in the marina.  I am looking forward to some creature comforts for a change.

We put up the sails and as we get out of the inner harbour the wind is blowing about the top of a 3, so we start to sail.  But it doesn’t last long.  After a while we are only making 2 knots, so the engine has to go on. But after our last trip out this is heaven.  It is even smooth enough for me to make sandwiches for lunch under way.

We get to the Island and are directed on to a berth.  There is even an Englishman on the pontoon to take our lines!  Now I do really feel like we are on holiday.  The place is like many French islands, very much a holiday place, with loads of people coming and going on the ferries.  But it is all very jolly and the afternoon is lovely.  The only problem is that the Harbour Office is a long walk from our pontoon (although we could just take the dinghy there direct) and the facilities are far away and shut at night!  So it seems that we will be showering on board again.  But as we are now connected to electricity and have water on the pontoon, it makes no difference.  We book in for two nights.  Not sure what we will do, but it seems a nice place to be for a while.  A walk around the town finds us some ice creams and a shop to buy ice cubes, so we can have iced drinks tonight!  The weather report looks settled for tomorrow.  Then the wind will pick up, and go easterly.  So we may go back towards Bandol after all.  My only concern is that with our luck we will have trouble getting back to Toulon for the 4th Oct, but then it is a fortnight away.

Back on the boat we have a go at cleaning the outside of the boat and get it looking quite respectable.  Have our showers on board and then sit down to a civilized pre-prandial drink of run and Coke and canapés of tapenade.  Now this is more like it.  It is warm in the sun, but when it goes down it is quite cool.  So back inside for dinner- duck breasts a l’orange with the good claret left over from the other night.  Very soothing. 

I am now working on my tapestry.  Better than just playing games on my I-Pad.  I just miss radio 4.

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